Banknote and precious metal trading – the case for automation
Many banknote and precious metals businesses have already adopted an automated approach to managing operations. Indeed, such is the proliferation of automation in this sector today that any operator who has not yet switched to the rapid, accurate and efficient facilities of systems-based transaction and management could now be said to be at a serious competitive disadvantage. This paper explores the compelling reasons why a growing number of successful dealing businesses have embraced the advantages of automation.

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Implementing an Anti-Money Laundering System – is it worth it?
Financial intelligence units around the world and the regulators responsible for implementing the new anti-money laundering regimes are quick to use statistics to prove the effectiveness of the new rules. However some leading academics challenge these claims, and in fact say that there is no evidence to support the importance currently being attached to effective AML processes. This paper explores why the new compliance and reporting rules must be part of the everyday business landscape, no matter whether you are a one person bureau-de-change or a compliance office for a global bank.

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