GTS uses a common platform and shared database architecture to ensure that a transaction carried out in one module is visible to all other modules, simplifying the workflow, ensuring greater accuracy and contributing to improved operational control.
One instance of GTS can support multiple countries and multiple base currencies. In addition, because the modules share business logic, they can be deployed, configured and customised faster, cutting the cost of ownership. For example, a new currency product or rule set up in the GTS Wholesale module does not need to be configured again in the GTS Cash Centre or GTS Retail modules.
Business integration
GTS already interfaces with key third-party reference data systems such as Reuters, OFAC and QAS address lookup and verification. Integration with your internal business systems such as treasury, financial accounts or CRM are also readily configured, depending on the specific solution used by your business. The technology and common database architecture of GTS means such interfaces are quick to build and need only be created once, regardless of the number of number of GTS modules used.
Single business view
Our single-platform approach gives you one clear view of your business activity through centralised performance monitoring, reporting and alerts. To help protect and manage your business exposure, we have ensured that positions and inventory are all visible in real time, and user roles and their authorities can be configured centrally to reflect the way your business works. All activities are fully auditable, allowing you to control and report activity to the level you require.
Download GTS product brochures:
GTS Product Brochure (English) | |
GTS Product Brochure (Spanish) |